Thursday, 30 April 2015

Bats roost in Old Pennar School

The roof spaces and wall crevices of Old Pennar School have long been roosts for bats.

By Barracuda1983 (Own work)  via Wikimedia Commons

This YouTube Video, although of Pipistrelles in London, makes fascinating listening. This is the recording of the echo-location sounds that a pipistrelle makes when in flight. The "bat detector" used to record these sounds allows us to hear echo-location pings of the bat, which are in reality above the frequency range of adult hearing. Notice the "raspberry" like squirts of sound as the bat closes in on its prey! See below this for more links.


The links below give information on how bats are protected and best practice in bat conservation:
take a look at their "Publications and Leaflets" pages in particular.

UK Government Bat Legislation

from DEFRA

The Common Pipistrelle in Wales

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Commenting on the Plan 14/1098/PA

Please do write to PCC and let them know your thoughts about the plans to demolish Old Pennar School

This document can be downloaded from the link below. Please spread the word!

Save Old Pennar School

A plan of the upper part on Pennar in 1906. Old Pennar School is in the centre of the map.

I learned the other day that the school I went to, between the ages of 7(?) and 11 is to be demolished!

The planning application for this is at planning reference: 14/1098/PA
which can be read at:

Pennar School Demolition Application 14/1098/PA

An earlier application, that was made in 2012 can be found at:

Plan to retain and convert Old Pennar School

I have posted the second link as it provides some very useful background documents that help inform the current application.

If you went to Pennar Junior School (I and my two brothers and sister did), if you worked there (my mum did), then you may well share my view that this is a travesty and should be stopped.

There has already been a bid by a local family to convert the building sympathetically to a family home, but this was refused by Pembrokeshire County Council.

As another former pupil of the school has mentioned on social media:

"......residents are shocked and upset to find that PCC is planning to dispose of the much-loved Old Pennar School, when there's been a long-held expectation that the council would use it as a community asset and would list it to give Pennar its first and only listed building. Instead, they want to destroy this important piece of local history."

See the discussion about this important matter on the Facebook Group "Pennar, Pembroke Dock in Old Photographs".