Sunday, 7 June 2015

Old Pennar School - Alternative Uses

It is all very well succeeding in keeping the school standing, but without use and a commitment to keep it "alive", the efforts will have been in vain. What to do?

What follows are a few ideas, which I hope readers will comment on constructively. They are in no particular order, just as they come to me or how I copy them from my rough notes!

Some of the ideas are only part solutions and will not require use of the whole building. Some ideas will work in parallel in different parts of the site.

Then, there is the need to oversee the future and day to day running of the place. Not for the faint hearted! A trust/charitable group?

1. House with many spectacular features.
The building would make a fantastic house - a Grand Designs type project!

2. Affordable Housing
The building retained, but non-destructively partitioned internally. As suggested and passed in 2012, BUT (Big BUT) higher quality internal arrangement.

3. Community Cinema
The east wing would make a fantastic Community Cinema. Grants are available to start such things up and Pennarites could walk to the Flicks! The space could also be used for lectures, talks and training using the Community Cinema's installations.
BFICinema for All

4. Music Practice Rooms.
These could be constructed in the east/central/west wing and used alongside other facilities mentioned here. It would be independently run as a non-profit organisation to promote musicianship within the area and to encourage young people to develop their talents in this area.

5. Recording Studio
This could run alongside the music practice rooms or other proposals, and again offer a community facility that could be run as a non-profit trust/charity.

6. Dance lessons/school
The west wing would make a fantastic dance floor! Strictly non-profit and a high quality community facility. Beginning to sound like a community arts centre!!
People Dancing

7. Micro-brewery.
The west wing could house a micro-brewery that could produce Pennar's own brew. An artisan enterprise, that could cash in on the trendy call for high quality local beers. "Gut - Pennar's Special Brew".

8. Conference centre
The building is in good condition and could be adapted as a county/business meeting/conference centre, providing employment within the community. See the next suggestion too.

9. Green living centre.
Adding to the offer that Pembroke Dock has for the development of green technologies, the school could become a local centre of excellence in promoting green living ideals. The large south facing roof would support PV energy panels, the north facing roof heat exchange panels. The building itself could become a centre for the training of local people in the skills and knowledge required to meet the growing demand for green energy and other low carbon technologies. A centre that would provide advice and guidance for those in both industry and the domestic home spheres. 
Energy Saving TrustTree HuggerEnvironment Wales

What ideas do you have?

1 comment:

  1. The list is endless really - what is fundamentally important though is that the structure should be maintained in its present form - as far as possible. Buildings such as this cannot be replaced - once they are gone they are gone forever. A single dwelling is right at the top of my list however I do believe that there would be few objections to any use - providing the integrity of the structure was preserved.


I would be glad to hear readers comments. Politeness and civility at all times please!